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Diablo 4 News Druid Looks Like a Warhammer Character

Diablo 4 News Druid Looks

A Druid in Diablo 4 gets ready to purge some demons and root out heretical cultists by dressing up as a character inspired by Warhammer 40K.

Compared to past entries, character customization in Diablo 4 took a major leap forward, as one player showcased their Druid that looked like he came right out of the Warhammer 40K franchise. The campfire in Diablo 4 consists of five classes: Barbarian, Sorcerer, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer. Allegedly, the sixth class that will be joining these iconic archetypes of Sanctuary is the Spiritborn, a nature-based class that will make its franchise debut in Vessel of Hatred, Diablo 4‘s first expansion.

While each of these classes have a unique silhouette and unique armor sets, the outfits from the seasonal Battle Pass in Diablo 4 are shared across the different body types. Whereas the armor sets obtainable in-game often skew towards channeling the class fantasy of a Necromancer, or a Druid, or any other Diablo 4 class, the premium cosmetics are where the developers try to push outside the standard class aesthetic.

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A Reddit user named Immediate-Nobody7435 shared a screenshot of their Druid on the Diablo 4 subreddit, where the outfit and appearance strongly evoked the visual style of Warhammer 40K. Analyzing the character from purely a Sanctuary perspective, they resemble a Necromancer far more than a Druid. As pointed out within the thread itself, Blizzard may have missed an opportunity to give every Diablo 4 class an option to pick their body type, and this Druid is another perfect example of how players would benefit from the removal of those restrictions.

The majority of the set featured in the screenshot uses the Druid version of the Father’s Judgment set, sold for $25 in the premium currency store. While many players find microtransaction prices in Diablo 4 outrageous, Blizzard seems to be earning a fair amount of profit from the game’s monetization. Given its nature as a live-service title, it’s only fair for Diablo 4 to have a steady revenue stream that doesn’t destroy the legitimacy of its competitive play, but the community nonetheless feels that the prices could stand to be a bit more accessible.

On the other hand, the helmet used by Immediate-Nobody7435 belongs to the Killer’s Guise set, obtained by gathering 80,000 Red Dust in the Fields of Hatred, the PvP zone in Diablo 4. Compared to Diablo 4‘s launch, it’s much easier to farm Red Dust, as not many players engage in PvP anymore, so there are fewer risks of getting killed while out collecting. While it remains to be seen how the latest Blizzard title will evolve, reception to Diablo 4‘s Season of Blood has skewed positive, and though the game still has issues that need fixing, the community believes that it’s trending in the right direction.

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